by faytech NA | Aug 27, 2020 | Uncategorized
Although, we are well-known for our expertise in providing high-quality touch solutions and optically-bonded devices, our product portfolio also includes Industrial PCs (Box PCs)! These IPCs are perfect in combination with any of faytech’s touch monitors, open...
by faytech NA | Aug 12, 2020 | Uncategorized
This video focuses on the ‘best of’ in faytech’s Competitor Comparison Series. This is a short conclusion and summary of the previous 3 parts. For all the details, make sure to check out the previous parts in the series! Part 1: Part 2: ...
by faytech NA | Jul 21, 2020 | Uncategorized
New smart cart enhances retailers’ ability to engage with customers throughout the store visit by bringing the digital experience into the physical location. Features include cashier-less checkout, running tab of basket, instant sale notifications, synching of...
by faytech NA | Jul 18, 2020 | Uncategorized
With its Dash Cart, the online retailer Amazon now relies on smart shopping carts to automate supermarket shopping – an innovative concept that the EASY Shopper, exclusively manufactured by faytech, implemented in supermarkets since 2017! “We produced...
by faytech NA | Jul 8, 2020 | Uncategorized
This week we proudly present faytech’s 21.5″ Digital Signage Sanitation Station! It is the perfect solution for the retail, restaurant, hospitality and other service industries, as well as government agencies and institutions. It is developed to promote...
by faytech NA | Jun 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
New far-infrared technology enables rapid temperature scanning for reduce coronavirus risk and instill peace-of-mind. As the country and the world emerges from lockdown, customers and employees require assurances that the facilities they frequent – retail,...