faytech North America Resistive Touchscreen PCs
faytech North America’s Resistive Touch PCs are a serious consideration for commercial and industrial use cases.
Our resistive touch computer systems come with fanless architecture which makes for silent operations. Additionally, the durable aluminum housing has no moving parts which ensure that it is a streamlined interface that can be used in numerous applications. This series provide incredible stability due to its fanless silent operation, no moving parts design and aluminum housing.
Resistive touch computers can greatly enhance work productivity
All-in-one touch computers are all around us. We encounter them at restaurants, point of sale devices when we swipe our cards, in malls at touch kiosks, supermarket checkout counters, restaurants, hotels and numerous other places. faytech North America is the USA based provider of resistive PC solutions. The products offered by us can transform and streamline the way that business is conducted in your organization.
The difference between capacitive and resistive touch desktop computers
Capacitive touchs creens are made by coating an insulator with a transparent conductor. When touched with a conductor, such as a stylus or human finger, the screen is able to identify the exact xy coordinates of the touch can be determined. Early capacitive touchscreens were binary, that is, they could not sense the pressure applied, just whether the screen was touched and where. This deficiency was overcome in later years and today, they are used in most smartphones and tablets.
TFT resistive computer technologies, on the other hand, are made by placing a mesh of xy wires over the screen, then coating the mesh with a conductive cover. When touched with a stylus, finger or, indeed anything else, the pressure on the screen enables it to identify the coordinates touched.
Thus, pressure is the stimulus, rather than conductivity, as in the case of capacitive touch screens. They are generally less expensive to produce and are hardier than capacitive screens. For this reason, they are usually found in restaurants, hospitals, research facilities, and factories.
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Why use faytech North America’s all-in-one computers in commercial and industrial environments?
In many applications, resistive touch screen PCs enable much more efficient interaction between the user and the application. One only needs to think of a point of sale application, for example: Presenting the employee with a screen of options and having them use their finger to select desired options has proven to have greatly improved the speed and accuracy of transaction. In this example, these PCs have also been shown to significantly reduce the amount of training and the level of skill required by new employees. For example, using such PCs, the employee does not need keyboarding skills.
The same observations can be made when a touchscreen PC system is implemented in restaurants. Here screens are placed at eye level and no keyboards are attached. A few touches of the screen convey the necessary information to the application significantly increasing accuracy while reducing the effort and time involved.
In addition to these factors of ease of use and speed of interaction, these PCs have advantages in other environments as well. In places such as hospitals and factories PCs are used because they are resistant to damage. This has implications for cost of operation as well as availability.
Resistive touchscreen PCs have also proven to be extremely useful in applications such as collaborative design, planning and project management. Whether its two engineers working together around a 40” flat top desk, or a roomful of designers collaborating on a full wall screen, the days of drawing and redrawing designs, making and discarding clay models and so on, are now history. Changes or suggested changes can be made with a finger on the screen. Reverting to a previous version if the suggestion is rejected is as simple as touching an icon.
Tuchscreen PCs have made the lives of collaborative workers easier and much more efficient.
In all of these applications, the PCs have reduce the drudgery of the tasks being performed. Touchscreen PCs provide an easy to use interface with application software. This allows employees to concentrate more on the task they are performing and less on reporting and record keeping. In this win-win situation drudgery is reduced or removed while speed and accuracy are increased.
These are just some of the many reasons businesses should look into whether they should not be deploying them. These modern computers have become indispensable to the competitive business as they increase the efficiency of employees who use them. Reduced cost and increased efficiency of labor are considerations no business person should ignore.
How will touch desktop PCs affect the way you do business?
The development of touch screen PC technology continues. Recently, they have been introduced in many new business sectors. For example, generally, once there is a customer service process which has predictable scenarios and high volumes of transactions, these PCs can play a part by having the customers interact with the computer kiosk rather than a live customer service representative.
Commercial banks and credit unions have incorporated these PCs into ATMs without customers even noticing. How many customers even noticed the disappearance of keyboards from these devices?
Perhaps even more noticeable was the introduction of airport passenger self check-in kiosks incorporating PC systems. Many passengers find these devices a quick and hassle free experience, and with the growth of travelers worldwide.
The introduction of the use of resistive computers will increase the productivity of most businesses. This technology will allow businesses to reduce costs, increase output, increase profits, and reduce costs for customers. These touch PC computer systems may make the difference between a profitable and a failing business.
If you are interested in learning how the faytech North America’s all-in-one computer solutions can be applied to your industry, contact us today. Our touch panel experts can help you determine the best solutions for your specific industry.
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Ground Floor
New York, New York 10001
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Suite 2A
Miami, FL 33122
804 Anacapa Street
Santa Barbara, CA 93101
+1 646 843 0877